
Siko Siko (Arabic)


18TBC More Info
  • Comedy
  • 01 May, 2025
  • 1h 40m

Lead cast

  • Bassem Samra ., Essam Omar, Khaled El Sawy ., Taha Desouky .


  • Omar Al Muhandis .


Two cousins, both from a middle-class background, finally see their dream come true when their inheritance is rightfully returned to them following their uncle’s death. Soon after, and to their shock, they discover that the inheritance is in the form of illegal goods. In order to liquidate these goods, they create an elaborate mobile game in order to sell the goods through it. They call this game… “Siko Siko”. The cousins enjoy a brief moment of spectacular success before a mob boss appears in their lives, and claims to be the real owner of the goods

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